Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Day March Came to an End.

I guess I would call this a new chapter of my life somehow.
Juz had the urge to start a new Blog. New Beginnings all over again!

After a week's worth of accumulated stress and unrest; decided on the last minute to abandon any motivation to start on my assignment. And decided instead to take a trip down Ikea and The Curve. Totally worth it!

Its weird how everything kinda puts itself in place. Ikea's food court was crowed as usual but I somehow found a place to enjoy my meal. Twas a moment of pure bliss and thanksgiving. Even the supposedly bright sunlight at 5-6pm didn't make it my meal unpleasant or scorchingly hot.

Went to Borders to finally spend my book vouchers. Found 3 books that I really wanted to read.Plus the trilogy of the Hunger Games at 50%.
Rm200+11.70 well spent.

Went to Starbucks to celebrate my purchases. And juz as i was about to leave, these guys with guitars started setting up. They were gonna perform for the earth hour.(Totally forgot bout tat!) Decided to juz stay back and enjoy the acoustic performance. I even got to know the performers. Ikhmal & Amir. Totally down to earth & friendly guys.

After a week of crazy stress and not having enough sleep; today feels totally surreal.
It feels good to be alive and I thank God for that.

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