Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Kinda review of "Relationship Status"

One of the things you'll know about the movie that you watched is a good movie; is by the fact that you can't stop thinking about it. That and of course, the fact that the film is indie and being made with a limited time frame plus that its done without any support from Malaysia's major production houses. Woots!

While being indie does not guarantee a good movie but it does make the film so much more better especially if its a good film. For me, what makes a good film is it's ability to relate to its audience. I can't recall how many times I've genuinely laugh out loud or struggled to keep my snicker in because it was just that good. Truly Malaysian. For the first time, I've begun to see light at the end of the tunnel for the future of Malaysian Films(and its not a train). Yasmin Ahmad's death dealt a great blow to the contemporary film-making but seeing this, it give me hope and more inspiration to make films equally as inspiring as Khairil M. Bahir's "Ralationship Status".

Opps, got sidetracked a little. If you're reading this blog to get a rough idea of what the film's genre is about; Don't. One of the reason's I really enjoy it is due to the fact I watch the film without any preconceive notions of what the film is about. This applies to any other films that you watch. Without any expectations, allows for more surprises and a genuine interest for the film.

Now on to the review. Unless you're not on Facebook(Fb), chances are you'll get every single online jargon or terms that the film throws at you. However if you're a Facebook hermit who only comes online once in awhile, chances are you wont get some of the terms as well. heh. Then again, fret not; while Fb is the central theme of the film, what we're looking at are the story of characters' lives being connected by the Facebook. While it may seems weird at first with so many characters to follow but its gets better. It opens up with a lot of questions but eventually it'll get answered one way or another. It just up to you how do you see it.

If you're looking for a romantic chick flick, you're not getting any. The theme of the whole film in the end is about relationships but not in away that you'll expect in your typical romantic films. The characters develops in such a way that its so natural that you'll never realized something inside of them has changed. I liked the idea that there are no unimportant characters in film. They all affect each other one way or another. Stimulating growth. Along with seasoned talents, it no wonder the casts seem so natural in their characters and development.

Storywise, the film excels extremely well in drawing the viewers in. For a film with so much dialogues, it didn't felt as if its long-winded at all. Instead, every single line is straight to the point and delivered with such skill; that you might even be able to enjoy film with just the audio. And that is an exaggeration but it might been that good.

In the end, the obvious technical issues aside. "Relationship Status" is a good especially if
you're an avid Facebook user like me who seems to be on Facebook 24-7.That's an exaggeration
too other than the fact that I'm writing this at 4.45 am. You'll not enjoy it if you've never heard of
Facebook and consider yourself as a person who has no need to understand relationships in the
real world.Ok thats mean but you get my drift. Then again, this film has such a powerful message
that it's bound to change one's perception of how is Facebook affecting our lives. For me at least,
sometimes one needs to take a daring step outside the digital world.

The DVD's coming out at the end of this month. Go get it and G'nites people!